Golden Buffalo

Golden Buffalo Online Slot

What if you’ll play with a raging buffalo and remain safe? Sounds fun, exhilarating, and unimaginable, right? Well, worry no more because the online slots game Golden Buffalo gives you the prospect to check your prowess against a buffalo. Its golden color adds to its appeal also because of the great thing about the game. This slot real money game offers you the prospect to win real money in USD jackpots. If you’re trying to find excitement and adventure, then this is often one among the most effective casino slots games.


6 X 4 Reels of Fun: Every spin will offer you up to 4096 ways of winning.

Free Spins: The sunset will come and the adventure will get more epic with the Wild Multipliers.

Wild Multiplier: During Free Games, the Wild symbol becomes a “Wild Multiplier” and can multiply any win up to 3125x.

The setting at the old west plains adds to the feeling of the game. It is truly an old west bull game. The game has six reels and four lines. For each spin you make, you get up to 4096 ways of winning in a single play. You also get substantial bonus rounds regardless of the amount you use to play. This game serves every type of person and you have increased chances of winning every time you play. You can also play the game on your mobile phone or even on your computer, depending on the device you have in hand.

This game has no bias when it comes to gadgets and players. At sunset, in the game, you get free spins with wild multipliers. These wild multipliers are derived from the wild symbols during free games. The multipliers can multiply a single win by 3125×. There is no doubt that this game will make you more money than the games you used to play with huge payouts. All you need to start the game is to find a comfortable place, and you will be in line to make a vast sum of money with no stress. You can easily keep playing to add to your winnings. The game’s special features will have you multiplying your initial playing amount tremendously.